Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I love my life!
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Friday, March 21, 2008
Dad update
Austin was exhausting and instead of working like I should right now, I think I'm going to go take a nap.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Easter is upon us.
We'll see what happens.
Tomorrow we're headed to Austin for a little fun. I think I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
Good night!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Dad update
If they find cancer in the lymph nodes the surgery stops right there and he will begin chemo and radiation thereafter.
I will post as soon as we know anything.
I want a hirumvsaidhf!
things for my sister while Luisa is around, Luisa is quick to realize that it usually has something to do with some special treat. My girl, she's a pistol! Thanks to her dance classes she can spell Mickey Mouse, that's the song they're dancing to. So M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E is what I get to hear her spelling lately. She does of course spell her first name and she can write it out too. She does it with such concentration on her face. It's pretty cute. :)
Mia is still spitting up more than ever. She seems to be okay though. I've read it can last for quite some time, even as long as the first 2 years of life! That really scares me. Whatever, as long as she is healthy.
Friday, March 7, 2008
I don't want to take a nap!!
Meanwhile Mia is over here sucking away at her fingers. She's sleeping, but there is so much slurping going on I'm going to go check to make sure she hasn't sucked the meat off the bones.
I wish I was sleeping, but instead I'm going to get back to work.
Monday, March 3, 2008
The latest scoop
After running around getting second opinions and what not, we have decided that if the cardiologist ok's it, my dad will have a surgical procedure where they take some lymph nodes analyze them and within 30 minutes determine whether they will continue to remove the mass from the lung. Essentially, if there is no cancer in the lymph nodes, they remove the mass. If they find cancer, they stop the surgery right there and close him back up. Then we proceed with chemo/radiation. It's the only way we'll find out for sure that he is at stage 1 or stage other words when they told us stage 3B, that was a clinical assessment, the only way to know for sure is with a pathological assessment. Fortunately the pet scan and the cat scan show no other signs of cancer anywhere else in the body. It's just hard to tell with the lymph nodes and especially with the positioning so close to the middle of his chest. There's a word I'm looking for, but I can't remember right now. :) Anyway, the surgery is scheduled for March 12. All good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.
Luisa got a haircut on Feb 19th. Of course we promised her a trip to the Incredible Pizza Place so she gladly obliged to the haircut. At least now she doesn't look all scraggly. Here are the before and after shots:
Thanks to Anna (Ted's mom) she started dance classes last week. Anna picks her up from MDO on Tuesday and then Luisa spends the night. Luisa goes to class Wednesday and I pick her up on my way home from the airport in the evening. Now if I could just get Anna to get Luisa to take a nap on both Tuesday and Wednesday it would be great! Luisa has already wrapped Anna around her little pinky, so she gets away with out a nap and Luisa still needs it pretty badly. Last week on the way home at 7 PM Luisa passed out and then during the night progressed to pee in bed because I couldn't get her to go to the bathroom when we got home, she was exhausted. Fortunately, there was no fuss. She changed into her pajamas that I had left by her pillow and then climbed into bed with me. I didn't realize this had all happened until the next morning. She was without panties, but at least had her bottoms on and she'd left her wet clothes in a pile on the floor. God Bless this girl!! She did well!
Mia is doing really well. She is rolling over and talking all sorts of nonsense. She really gets excited to see both Luisa and myself. Especially if she's been away from us for a little while. She continues to spit up, what else is new! She has tried prunes (due to necessity (constipation)), sweet potatoes, carrots, and soon she'll be trying green beans. She's moved on from rice cereal to oatmeal and she continues to eat about every 3 to 4 hours. She still loves sucking on her two middle fingers on the right hand (right hand ONLY!). Her hair is a bit crazy and wild, but still thin and now I make an effort to use a barrette, otherwise she looks a little funny.
I hope you enjoyed the update. I'd been putting it off for a while. :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
my dad
Please pray for my father. Thank you!
my girls...
Everyday Luisa amazes me. She is simply a character. She doesn't let anything get past her, she is very much like me. She wants things done the "right way" which usually means whatever I have taught her to be the right way. For example, whenever she eats corn on the cob, she uses corn ears. So yesterday when we went to Sea Island, they just use one stick, well when my sister tried to get her to eat it with just the one stick, she wouldn't go for it. I got her a second stick and therefore she was able to chow down using the sticks as handles for her corn. Perhaps not the best example or perhaps I didn't tell the story as well, but she's just funny in her communicating and telling Rosie, that it just wasn't possible for her to have corn with just one stick.
As for Mia, she is just chewing on anything she can get her hands on. She even "chews" on her tongue. She is constantly sticking her tongue out. She'll bite my finger if I leave it near her mouth. She is drinking about 4 to 6 ounces at a time and she is only eating rice cereal. I think she is anxious to get her hands on some other foods, but she'll just have to wait until her 6 month appointment. The only reason we're anxious to try something new is that her BM's are a bit stiff and I hate to think she's having trouble with the poops!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
HOWDY everyone! It's rodeo time here in our fare city. So on Saturday of last weekend, we took Luisa to the rodeo. She had the best time, she even rode a real live pony. I thought maybe she would shy away from it, but she enjoyed it. Then we sat and listened to a band and she just danced the night away. So at preschool it was Rodeo day today and this is the outfit she wore. I forgot to take the hat to school, but otherwise she looked adorable if I do say so myself.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
post script
I'll get off my soap box now, I have to go watch some commercials.
Work, exercise and the Super Bowl!
I was thinking today I should really start exercising. I guess the weather has been the biggest motivation. I want to stay small and get a little smaller, so if I'm going to be buying new shorts and capris then I should probably start trying to lose a little more so that I can look decent for the summer. Especially since I will really be single! I anticipate getting the paperwork for the divorce finalized within the next couple of weeks.
Finally, the superbowl. Normally I could care less, I'm not a football fan nor have I really made any effort to change that. I usually watch the superbowl for the commercials! Anyway before the game I told my brother in law that New York would win. He offered a bet of $10, I should have taken it!! I called him when there was only 30 seconds left on the clock, he proceeded to ask me about a 2 point conversion. I had to remind him who he was talking to and he replied, I have to go, I have to call Gus. Which of course translates to, don't rub my nose in it, let me call someone who can intelligently discuss football. :) I wasn't insulted, I was really just lucky!
Okay, I'm going to bed now. Only to turn the TV back on and watch the NBC affiliate that promises to show the new commercials. Since I was at my sister's house for the Superbowl and I truly a single parent, I couldn't watch the commercials. Too many interruptions! Fortunately, my sisters tag team and handle one of my children while I handle the other. I'm so lucky. Lastly, I'm going to kick off the air conditioner again. Sheesh, so much for winter!!
Check out my weather: zip: 78247
Friday, February 1, 2008
One day...
In the meantime if you haven't received a thank you note from me... please forgive me. Just so you know, Luisa too has been after me about sending them out if you can believe that. Today mom watched her for me, while I met with the lawyer and she pulled out some paper and pencils and told mom she had to write notes for all the gifts she got for Christmas. Sweet girl! :) She's quite a stinker though.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Mia's Baptism
Mia was perfect throughout church and the baptism. Silly girl, she spit up while Deacon Gonzalez was giving her the blessing. Aside from that, perfect!! :)
Luisa was wearing a pretty red and black dress that my sister bought for her. It was probably more Christmas than anything else, but I think will try and get some Valentines' pictures done soon with her in this dress.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It's in the genes!
I am very blessed that once asleep my girls sleep. Sure now that Luisa is in her own bed she can get up and come to my room during the night. I find that it's no big deal because it doesn't happen every night and if she does do it it's usually in the wee morning hours. Then she ends up sleeping later since she is so comfortable next to mom! As for Mia she has been quite a blessing. She goes to sleep on her own and gets fussy if held too long, so she would rather you lay her in her crib and she puts herself to sleep. I guess this is some sort of redemption for the pain of the divorce! Or perhaps I'm just more relaxed because I'm no longer a first time mom. Call it whatever you want! I also want it noted that my mom's side of the family is notorious for loving the nap!! Grandma used to fall asleep mid sentence and then pick up right where she left off. My cousin Milo also did this. My sisters love their naps so much that they make time for them on the weekends. From time to time I too squeeze in a nap. I would more often, but I don't have time for that!

On another note, Mia is really into sucking on her two middle fingers, while I'm not crazy about this, I'm going to do my best to NOT STRESS OUT about it. Ask me about that in a couple of years when she's still sucking away!
This post was prompted because I was reading about a mom who is having to deal with an insomniac for a child. Yikes!! Please let that never happen to me.
OK, I'm off to join the girls in dreamland...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I should be in bed
Consider it a new year's resolution.
It's crazy crazy busy at work right now for me. I have a huge project, my personal deadline is Friday 1/25, but I think I won't actually be done until 1/27.
Mia's baptism is Sunday 1/27. Yeah!
Okay, going to bed now....I'll write more in a couple of days.
in the meantime check out
Thursday, January 17, 2008
one of those questionnaires...
2. What color are your socks right now? Pink
3. What are you listening to right now? two and a half men (TV in the background)
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Stacy's Pita Chips (simply naked)
5. Can you drive a stick shift? no
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Rosie, my sister
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course.
8. How old are you today? 33, I think! :)
9. What is your favorite sport to watch? basketball
10. What is your favorite drink? a cold coca cola from the fountain machine, but it has to be the perfect combination.
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? No way!
12. Favorite food? Lately, it's tuna in a pouch, in a salad with a nice dressing.
13. What was the last movie you watched? National Treasure
14. Favorite day of the year? Thanksgiving
15. How do you vent anger? I usually vent to friends, crying, screaming... depends how angry I am and at who!
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? I don't recall.
17. What is your favorite season? Fall since it's nice enough outside to go without a sweater and too cold to go swimming. You know just nice enough to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
18. Hugs or Kisses? depends
19. Cherries or Blueberries? cherries
20. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? yes.
21. Who is the most likely to respond? Whoever wants to.
22. Who is least likely to respond? Whoever doesn't want to.
23. Living arrangements? Renting, living across the street from my parents.
24. When was the last time you cried? Tuesday, 1/15/08.
25. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes, clothes, and some whicker baskets.
26. Who is the friend you have had the longest you are sending this to? ???
27. What did you do last night? Bathed my children and stayed up way too late being unproductive.
28. Favorite smells? Men's cologne.
29. What inspires you? My girls.
30. What are you most afraid of? Dying before my girls.
31. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? cheesy
32. Favorite dog breed? The jury is still out.
33. Favorite day of the week? Sunday
34. How many states have you lived in? one, the BEST one
My Favorite Snack
Go have a pita chip and think of me!
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The following teething chart obviously doesn't apply to my children. Both Luisa and Mia cut their first tooth at the beginning of their fourth month.

Teething Schedule
Age | New Teeth |
6-10 months | Central incisors |
10-13 months | Lateral incisors |
17-23 months | Canines |
14-18 months | First baby molars |
23-31 months | Second baby molars |

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
She has gone through cycles, for example, there was a time where she would eat peas everyday if I let her. Then there was a time period where broccoli was her favorite thing, but it couldn't be just any broccoli, it had to be broccoli from Outback Steakhouse! Go figure. So lately, her favorite thing is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it's a favorite especially when she doesn't want what everyone else is eating. Imagine my excitement when the other day we were at the grocery store and I picked up some fresh broccoli. When we got home she ate almost all the broccoli I had bought that day.
Here is a list of her favorite foods:
PB&J, macaroni and cheese (Kraft EZ Mac), Corn on the cob (not kernal corn (off the cob)), Edamame, Peas, mandarin oranges, Oranges from grandma's tree, apples, cucumbers, baby carrots, pineapple, yogurt (sometimes with granola), fried chicken, broccoli, ground beef, cranberries, rice cakes, spaghetti, fruit leather, Cheerios, rice crispies, wheat chex, and of course all the bad stuff like candy, chips, chips & salsa especially!
Have a great day!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hello again everyone!!
Mia is doing really well. On Dec 18th I noticed her first tooth piercing her gums...she's well on her way to tooth #2. You can tell it's right there and her nonstop drool and fingers in her mouth tell me it could be any day now. She is smiling a whole lot lately and she is talking non stop. Her sleep has been a little disrupted, in that she is waking up around 3 to 4 in the morning. She eats and then she goes right back to sleep. I'm guessing the teeth are the cause. I don't mind since I'm hoping it won't last forever. She is such a good baby and I am happy I switched her to formula, I think it makes it a little easier for all of us and she is happier. My only complaint is the continued spit up. I read an article that stated the acid reflux is "over diagnosed" and that there are many children on acid reflux meds that really shouldn't be or don't need to be. I wonder if that is the case with Mia. The article stated that many baby's spit up and it's natural but as a parent we feel we have to do something to make it better and thus the acid reflux meds are supposed to help. Her appetite has increased a bit and she is even doing rice cereal. Most of the time it's in her bottle (to help reduce the spit up (yeah, right!)) but sometimes I give it to her with a spoon. Here is a picture of that:
Actually that's my mom feeding her and have I mentioned how much I love having my mom close by. She really is the BEST mom! Mia seemed a little unsure at first, but then she returned to smiling.
Mia has also started to scoot around. For example I lay her with her head on the left and then when I come back to the crib her head is on the
Luisa has been doing really well. She is taking Singular and Claritan for the allergies and she has had a dry nose. Of course a dry nose doesn't mean a nose without those lovely little boogers. My dad often refers to picking your nose as being a pharmacist. As though you were making pills if you will. Fortunately, Luisa is no longer eating her pills. Although she does pick her nose she gets a tissue and wipes it on there. I haven't been able to get her to pick her nose with the tissue wrapped around her finger. Silly girl!! We'll get there eventually.
As for me, there is A LOT of work to be done, soon enough it will get all done. I'm spending a couple of nights in Dallas and that should help out some. Jan 14th -15th...Jan 21st-22nd. Perhaps soon I'll send out pictures to everyone. My sister Rosie gave me a digital camera for Christmas.
My family has been great about helping me out as necessary. I've been fortunate to visit with a few girlfriends and life is good.
Have a great week!